Monday, November 10, 2008

Well we move out of our house in 2 weeks. There are boxes stacked everywhere and it might appear as though we are living in chaos, but actually I’m quite organized. Everything’s labeled.

I’ve found a suitable house for Kyro and his college buddies to share. That was a mission. People just aren’t interested in renting their house to 3 young male students. I wonder why. Theo and I are moving in with my mom. By choice. That’s gonna be interesting. My mom is very easy to get along with although she has a totally different cooking style to Theo. He does most of the cooking at home and loves spicy food as well as unusual dishes. He makes his own olives, chorizo sausage, smoked bacon, pancetta, pestos and pickles. My mom on the other hand thinks any cheese other than Gouda is exotic and thinks if she adds a teaspoon of tumeric to her pot she has curry.

Her house reminds me of a show house. Ours is not messy but compared to hers it sure is. Keen to see how that’s gonna play out. I’ll probably join the line dancing class she gives on Monday evenings. Woopee. Oh well, I’ll enjoy the bonding.

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