Thursday, November 27, 2008

Arranging the Deranged

Living with my mother is turning me into a organized, dull, respectable, middle aged auntie. I’m learning to line dance, I try not to drip all over the bathroom floor, I wipe the stove before going to bed and I can’t remember when last I’ve woken up with a hangover. Theo is accustomed to a bit of on chaos so I’m sure he is feeling like a fish out of water as well.

It’s great coming home from work and the supper is cooked and my washing is done and folded and everything is in its place but hell, last weeks excitement was the fact that I accidently left the front door wide open which my mother only discovered when she woke up at 9 o clock by which time she could have been murdered in her bed.

Being organized and making to-do lists does have its plus points. Every morning I go straight to the key rack to find my keys hanging there. I never have to drink black coffee cos there’s always milk in the fridge. I’ve been wearing matching socks, not just the same colour range, I mean a proper actual pair. Awesome. But I miss the chaos. Can this be true? I’m used to functioning in a slight bit of unorganization so it’s hard work competing with my alter ego. I mean, sometimes things tend to fall into place without all this effort anyway. Doing my makeup at work in the reflection of my stapler really doesn’t bother me when I’m late. Come to think of it, nothing bothers me.

Theo is coping well in the new environment. He hasn’t left his under pants wedged between the couch cushions or dumped his spanners in the drying up rack in the kitchen. My mother is fascinated by the jar of pickled eggs he made last week and couldn’t believe it when he whipped up a mushroom quiche on Sunday night at 8 o clock just because he felt like it. She went to bed before he had finished pickling the other 26 packets of mushrooms which we’d bought at a really good price. Luckily we have 2 fridges, one for my moms endless supply of tupperware containers range from big to small, smaller, smallest and leftovers get moved accordingly. The other fridge is full of Theo’s home made lemon pickled atchar, olive tapenade, cured bacon and liquors.
So bottom line, things are working out great living with my mom but I’ll just have to make sure I don’t change from being slightly deranged to very arranged. I’ve lost my clitoris before, but not my personality.

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