Monday, October 27, 2008

I Felt The Earth Move Under My Feet....

...literally I swear. It happened a few mornings ago when I woke up reeeaaally early. Ok admittedly we’d partied the night before when we had our friends around and told them about our plans. I didn’t wake up with a babalas at all, in fact I was extremely clear headed (some of my friends think I’m too clear headed but I digress). I didn’t wake up with a bang either - barely time to schedule that in these days.

It was just before dawn. Just before that time of the morning when the birds wake up. I hardly hear them since during the week its rush to work and who wants to wake up that early over weekends. Well anyway it was abut 10 minutes before the sun actually came up and I lay in bed buzzing on adrenalin. I could feel the energy oozing out of my body and merging with the earth’s energy around me. Ok, heavy philosophical I know but I just had to share that really weird yet wonderful feeling. It lasted abut 10 minutes and then the spell was broken by a single Hadida flying by. My mind returned to earth and I wondered where the bird was off to. It was either returning from a late night expedition or it was taking the phrase The early bird catches the worm a bit too literally. Minutes later the sun came up. It was Sunday and I needed to face my own day which was breakfast with the outlaws so we could fill them in about our plans. Oh horrors, how would they react? We’d find out soon enough.

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