Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Every Which Way But Loose

Well the upside of living in South Africa is you probably will get burgled somewhere along the line. Make sure you’ve got insurance, as we did, and you’ll be ok. Luckily we don’t have a mansion of a house full of stuff which other people want.

In the meantime I’m keeping my eyes peeled for a hot looking bergie in leather pants, the ones I’d only just been able to fit into again after eating vegetable soup for 3 weeks. The 10 stolen bottles of aftershave had sentimental value. They were years and years of unimaginative Xmas presents I’d given my dad since the age of 12 and which my mom had recently given to me after he died last year. Nothing else will be missed.

Anyway our insurance sent us off to a shop in Cape Town to choose replacement things. Theo made a b-line for a Garmin. Very sensible choice considering my direction skills are non existent. In fact the other day I realized, as I lay in bed with aching toes, that even the blood traveling around in my body was getting lost these days. It zooms down my left side and forgets to make a detour down to my toes before rushing up my right side.

Getting back to the point, we took the Garmin for a test drive. I’m impressed. The thing even talks to you telling you when to make a turn. It’s got a calculator so we can work out how far we can travel before the next fish and chip shop. You can see what the time is in Japan in case you’re wondering if anyone there is watching the same awesome sunset as you, and you can see which way the North Pole lies. Finding places is gonna be easy now so long as you know the exact address, spelt correctly, to punch in. I wonder if I’ll be able to punch in “bar – Kosi Bay – Beach front.

I’m just dying to find out.

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