Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Have you ever wondered how the people in the times of Moses and his connections lived to be 900 years old?  There are many theories, one popular, yet controversial belief is that the Earth was protected by a massive water bubble all around.  This bubble apparently kept out harmful UV rays which prevented every living thing from aging, so death couldn’t have been a common occurrence, mind you, nor was rain I’m sure.  Apparently after the heavy downpour, resulting in the great flood, the bubble disappeared, and some time thereafter, people’s lifespan only lasted until the tender age of 120 years.   

Life must have been much simpler in those days.  No internet, fast cars or plastic meals in a can.  Lots of fresh air, exercise and probably the only stress was getting your 400 year old teenager to clean his room, although the threat of sticking him on the sacrificial slab to appease the gods was probably effective.  You probably grew your own food and occasionally went down to the market to trade your frankincense for stone ground flour or a new doily.       

Anyway, whether everyone lived in a space bubble or not, I reckon they lived forever because of their diet.  Imagine living in a time when organic wasn’t something you searched for, it was just the way of life for everyone. Not a speck of tartrazene, msg or chemicals ever, not ever, passed their lips. Apparently before the bubble burst, people didn’t eat meat either.  Just healthy super foods like wheat grass, honey, fruit and veg and I bet the coastal settlers ate loads of seaweed. Only after things went bad, what with all the fornicating, sinning, angels coupling with women not wearing doekies covering their hair, did the peoples’ carnivorous instincts surface.  Their diet changed and things like plants and body parts shrivelled up and leprosy reared its ugly head.
Today people are becoming conscious of eating organic but there is still so much chemicals hidden in every shape and form out there that it’s difficult to avoid.  We don’t expect to live longer than 70 or 80 years old and when our bodies start packing in, we rush to the doctor for another chemical dose in the form of more pills.  My mother thinks organic is something hippies do, but then she is from a dying era when frozen meals and vacuum cleaners were first invented and healthy eating wasn’t the fad.  Mind you she has requested that her ashes be put into an egg timer on the kitchen shelf so that she can keep her immortal eye on her Tupperware, watch who cheats at scrabble and give Moses a run for his money.

Me, I’m off to the supermarket in search of toxic free goodies.   

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