Thursday, April 21, 2011



I’m soooo excited about selling our products at the Earth Market in Tokai on Saturday.  It will be our first time, in fact I wonder if anyone has ever sold dried seaweed foodstuff at a market in South Africa. 

It’s funny how Theo and I tend to get ourselves into unique situations. I bought my first motorbike when I was in my 30’s and rode like a bat out of hell till I hit my 40’s.  We sold everything we own and bought a bus to travel South Africa on an indefinite working holiday.  Now it’s seaweed.  Except this time, it’s not just us eating the stuff, I want to introduce it to other people as well.  Will Cape Town be ready for seaweed meat rubs and Dukkahs, seaweed nut bars or seaweed pies?  Well, we will find out soon enough.  Once I’ve stimulated everyone’s thyroid and flushed out all their toxins from all the junk we expose our bodies to and once all the poor people living on the coast know that there is a free, super food growing in the ocean ready for them to pick, then I’ll be ready to try something new.  

So if you are looking for something to do over Easter, why not come around to the Earth Fair Market on Saturday morning and treat yourself to some exotic seaweed chocolates or stock up on gourmet goodies.

I’m hoping to sell out so that we can put diesel in the tank for another trip up the west coast to pick more Nori and Kelp.  

The Earth Fair Market is Main Road Tokai, behind Builders Warehouse  If you want to know more about seaweed check out the website which Theo is developing called

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