Thursday, January 6, 2011


Well we’ve left Kleinzee and I’m sure I left a little of my soul behind as well as chunks of my kidneys.  Keith on the other hand also left a part of himself behind over the new years holidays and now his false teeth are floating amongst the crayfish on the ocean floor.  Don’t ask.  I’m not sure why he had his mouth open under the water, its not like there are too many sharks to scream at but anyway he spent new years legless and toothless.
Theo and I were really privileged to spend enough time in Kleinzee to get to know the locals and find out what makes the town tick.  Our hearts went out to Hans and Hanneline whose daughter died in a car accident on her way home from the fishing club 2 days before Xmas. We were invited to spend Xmas day with Karen and Rocky at their beachfront spot, Brazil, with a bunch of other people.  Everyone brought food for the table and we had a good old traditional Xmas, our second one on the road.  Linda, Keith, Jacky, Dodgy and the boys arrived for new year and we finished off working at the Crazy Crayfish diner.  
So now it’s just Theo, me and the heat.  Yesterday it was 47 deg C. We are camping at Vioolsdrift on the Orange River (SA side) for 2 days to try and cool off but it’s not possible.  It’s so hot that pouring water over your head every 10 minutes doesn’t cool you down enough unless you use your ice cold drinking water.   It’s so hot we waited until 10 ‘o clock last night to start the braai fire and then it was still 38 deg frigging Cel.  It’s so hot that during the day you loose your appetite totally and we have a lot of meat to cook up before crossing the border.  And I still have to eat the friggin Hoedia plant before going through customs tomorrow morning.  Woopee. It’s so hot that I don’t even need to pee even though I’m drinking loads of water which sweats out before it reaches my bladder.  It’s so hot that sex is not possible since we would just slide off each other and shoot into different directions. It’s so hot my tan melted off.  It’s so hot I can barely stand the heat from my laptop right now and its sliding off my lap from the sweat on my legs.  It’s so hot that the chickens lay hard boiled eggs around here. Its so hot that the fish Theo tried catching in the Orange river came with slap chips. Its so hot my micro chip has malfunctioned and I can’t think straight anymore.
This could be my last post for a while since I’m not sure how I will be going online in Namibia but hopefully I’ll get access to WIFI and will still be able to blog.     
Anyway its time for me to pour water over my head so cheerio for now.


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