Monday, May 4, 2009


It’s been a good few months since I’ve ridden but now that my clutch lever is sorted I’m both lekker bang and excited. We did a little trip over Uitkyk Pass past Algiers Nature Conservation. Nice view – not as badly burnt by the fire as it is around here. We took both bikes, parked the one at the bottom, rode to the top and walked all the way down the old road through the valley. We rode in shorts and takkies since the plan was to hike. I was nervous at first but it didn’t take me long to get the hang of offroading again and I thoroughly enjoyed the trip even though they were working on the road in stretches which required a bit of negotiating. I’m standing up, feeling confident and can’t wait for more.

2nd bike trip and I gave myself a mickey mouse badge. We rode into town, more shopping, banking etc and I handled the 25km dirt road nicely. First stop, Agrimark, I thought the people were really friendly – all smiles – until Theo told me I was slightly dusty. My whole front jacket and pants excluding sitting position folds were coated in dust. My face, except sunglass area, was dusty brown. Brushing the dust off gave my whole face a lovely natural looking foundation. Note to self – don’t ride too close behind Theo.

We stopped for a beer at the local pub, hoping to meet and chat to locals but no such luck. Finished our shopping but when we came out of the Checkin it was raining. We hung out on the shop stoep and munched on the braaied rib which Theo couldn’t resist buying. They don’t do boerrie rolls here. Gotta admit the smell of braaied fatty meat on a rainy day was enticing. Anyway the rain didn’t let up so we just had to ride back and get wet. The road was fine (not slippery clay) but we took it slow and I was proud of myself. Getting back in the saddle has been great. I came to Clan William hoping to go home with loads of experience and it seems to be happening.

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