Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Weekend

Day 1. Spent most of the day traveling. The bus goes slow but luckily we’re not in a hurry to get anywhere. We’d smelt rubber burning occasionally (not my brains, they were on holiday) and hoped the back tyres weren’t about to blow with the extra weight at the back of the bus. We arrived at Veldrift and parked for the night at a pullover with a cool bird lookout hideout over the water. How awesome was that! We spent the evening watching water birds and had sex. Lots of it. Day 2. Once again – spent most of the day traveling. We pulled over about 30km’s from Clan William on a mountain top and watched the big sky with millions of stars and not a sound around us so couldn’t resist more sex. Theo braaied the Hottnots fish we’d bought in Veldrift. He’d sprinkled it with course salt and we ate the meat off the skin. Tasted absolutely divine. Day 3. We booked into Clan William dam for the night. Needed a shower and our fridge had defrosted. Had to throw some meat away. The temperature was over 40 deg cel. Theo braaied JalapeƱo chillies stuffed with chicken and garlic for lunch. I was too scared to bend over when he stood behind me anymore. He’d stopped wearing underpants and I didn’t bother with a bra either. Life was slow and the sex was good. Day 4. The dam was kinda crowded and great if you own a boat which we didn’t so we decided to try out the other dam in Clan William – Bulshoek dam. More rustic and Easter weekend had ended so the place was much quieter. The tyres were still taking the strain, burning rubber occasionally and we were keen to get it checked out as soon as everything opened after the holidays. Next morning we stopped in Clan William, got someone to check them out. He said no worries, the bus would make it back to Cape Town where we could put more spacers on to lift the bus or alternatively replace the 2nd set of back tyres which the previous owner had removed. In the meantime Theo could bang out the tyre well. We made our way to Jamaka Organic Farm in the Cederberg feeling confident we wouldn’t wipe out. Murphy’s Law. We hit a huge stone, became airborne, we bounced, the back lift (in future referred to as our patio) rocked, the bikes strained against the tie downs and mine banged into the bus’s back window which cracked. Bummer. Oh well luckily we had taken out insurance. Only discovered the next day that my clutch lever had broken off which turned out more of a problem to replace out in the bundus. But we’d arrived at Jamaka. Jannie and Katrin seemed very nice. They welcomed us and told us all we really needed to do was keep an eye on the campsite, chase away the stray farm dogs and baboons and move the sprinklers. We settled in to our new home to see what lay ahead.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

hey guys good to see you got it all working according to plan... so far so good ;-). so D, sex & blogging is the next best thing to sleep... 3am blog entries? i must give up work!!! all good my side, same old same old. miss ya already! go well you two XXX

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