Thursday, December 23, 2010

Moving Along

Well Xmas is nearly here and so is the time for us to move along. My kidneys will be relieved mind you. I’ll miss working at the diner and all the friendly people we’ve met here at Kleinzee. Life for the family of foxes who come around for scraps to the diner at night will carry on. All the ostriches roaming the beachfront will carry on roaming and the wind will carry on blowing. It’s been a blast. I think I can safely say that I will now be able to recognise a West Coaster anywhere in the world by the way he tells a story with such descriptive adjectives that even the dominee finds him amusing. If he can clean a bokkom without spilling his brandy and coke and if he considers wearing shoes as being dressed up then that’s your man.
I don’t miss being surrounded by city people with their laptops, palmtops or IPod’s which are colour coded to their Rolex or new haircut while they spend lunch with their blackberry glued to their ear and handing out their business cards. Where’s the romance in that picture.
Being the romantic that I am, I’ve been thinking a lot about Adam and Eve lately. It’s something I do, letting my mind wander. Besides the fact that they could have been either angels, aliens or apes, we’ll never know since they didn’t leave any evidence behind, well none which we have found here on earth but who’s to say they were on earth in the first place and not up there in the heavens with Zeus and the other giants. What I wanna know is, what was the serpent doing in the Garden in the first place. All slippery slidey in between the fig trees looking like he couldn’t harm a fly. Don’t you think that’s a problem just waiting to happen? God must have been off on a coffee break and never saw that one coming.
We are looking forward to going to Namibia, the border being about 100 km’s from here. There’s a few things we won’t be able to take with like Theo’s 7 sins, I mean skins or his Gemsbok horns. My stone collection won’t be allowed to cross the border either so looks like Linda and Keith have a whole bunch of things to take back to Cape Town when they visit us over the new year holidays. I’m also sending a cow tail flyswatter which I’ve made for a Xmas present for my mom although I can’t imagine her actually using it unless possibly by now she’s learnt to line dance to the Waka Waka Africa then she can swish it around to get into the vibe. We’ve added a little boat, a dabchick, to our collection of stuff. We’ve tried it out on the dam at the yacht club and its cool. We will hoist it onto the roof next to the 200 litre stainless steel water container which was also given to us.
Theo is happily working his way through the half cow and all the biltong which he hung to dry in the warm crockery cupboard above the fridge and which we can’t take across the border. My Hoodia plant (appetite suppressant) also wont be allowed across so its gonna get munched some time between the Xmas cake and cookies which I baked myself. We are expecting heat, lots of space, friendly people and more heat in Namibia. Who goes to a desert country in the middle of summer? Us. We’ve decided to make a B-line to Luderitz which is on the coast and should be cooler. I wonder what awaits us.

But first, its party time for the next 2 weeks and the family is coming to join us. Can’t wait.
Dominee – priest
Bokkoms – dried fish

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