Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Stop The Bus

Talk about dragging something out. Jeez. Well the good news is we’ve eventually bought our bus – turns out it’s more of a camper bus than the moerse big bus we originally dreamed about but nonetheless we are chaffed. Actually buzzing, doing flick flacks cos things are finally coming together.

December was a bit of a bummer month. I’m not referring to the 6 kg’s I picked up while on leave or the withdrawal symptoms I suffered from missing free internet access at work and being able to make a phone call without thinking twice. The bus saga brought me down cos we had a stunning party bus lined up and then if all fell through. Theo and Keith (my brother in law who knows about diesel engines) caught a greyhound up to Bloemfontein to buy a party bus for sale up there. The guy said the engine was great and we had visions of doing a few party trips and making some moela from the bus while tackling the outside renovations. I’d started phoning to make enquiries about public liability and visions of us taking party groups on trips to the beach and Theo whipping up a seafood braai all fell by the wayside when the bus turned out a dud. The puddle of oil under the engine was a give away and the bus barely made it round the block. 1 month of waiting for the guy to sort out the paper work all for nothing. I was starting to get despondent but we still had the option of a smaller school bus up in Struuisbaai to fall back on. We just had to wait for the guy to be available after new year before we could move on that. More time ho hum and I was starting to loose my pluck.

In the meantime I focused on Xmas, stuffed my face, tanned my cellulite and got horribly drunk on new years. Then we discovered that the Struuisbaai bus had a problem with the diff, wrong ratio and complicated to sort out. Mid January back at work and on the phone to dealers who could put a Nissan centre diff into an Isuzu engine in a Bedford bus. Not going well and we hadn’t even started on actual work yet. About to give up we considered buying a camper just to get going. Then we went back for a second looked at the very first camper bus we looked at in October, which at the time seemed crummy but suddenly seemed perfect. It’s smaller and lighter than a big bus yet bigger than a standard camper and it’s already kitted out. Just a few changes needed. It’s absolutely perfect. We will have to hook up a trailer for the bikes as apposed to hoisting then onto the back. No problem, in fact less work.

So now we are the very proud owners of a camper bus and are busy getting it ready for roadworthy. Yeehaa!

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